Use "abdullah ocalan|abdullah ochalan|ocalan|ochalan" in a sentence

1. There is also massive destruction in the beautiful southern port city Aden, where the Houthis have been pushing their response, along with forces loyal to Yemen's former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Auch in der hübschen, südlich gelegenen Hafenstadt Aden rücken die Huthi-Milizen ihre Stellungen, gemeinsam mit Getreuen des früheren Präsidenten Ali Abdullah Saleh, immer weiter vor.

2. He is Abul-Qasim, Muhammad, the son of Abdullah, the son of Abdul- Muttalib, the son of Hashim. He belonged to the Arab tribe of Quraish whose ancestry traces back to 'Adnaan, one of the children of Ishmael... read more...

Er ist Abu Al-Qasim (Vater von Qasim = arabischer Beiname) Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdulmuttaleb bin Haschem, vom arabischen Stamm... Mehr...